Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Auntie Mona !!!

 Hi auntie mona!I know you have passed and I wish I was there to say goodbye.I know we only spoke a few time's and we were not that close but you were nevr far from my thought's.I will always remember you , and love you for the strong woman you were. You were a Kiefer and Faust and that made you strong , no matter how many time's we all fall we pick ourselves up and keep moving and that's what you did , you kept moving till you couldn't anymore and I understand.Now you won't suffer anymore the pain has stopped and you are in heavan with grandma and grandpa tell them I said hi and I will miss you all. Till we meet agin .Becky Kiefer

Pirates of the caribbean 3

So I came home from work tonight and Neal was watcing the movie , I haven't seen the whole thing yet but I watched the ending , It made my heart weep is all I can really say. I don't think it should have ended that way . I wanted to do nothing but cry because even though it  is just a movie I still think it should have ended diffrentley . How sad.


Every time I try and plan something it always has to rain , don't get me wrong I love rain ,I was walkin into my apartment building tonight coming home from work and I had an awful day of course it's raining out so I just kept walking letting the rain wash the day I had away almost.It was peaceful , I am weird I can't help that ,but it was nice .I wanted to go to the Bristol Renasance fair but can not due to the rain so have to do it next year.So it made me very depressed.


sometime's you wonder what life is goin  to be like?you never really know .all you know is you hope it will be ok,that everyone you love will be well and you won't have to worry about them .but sometime's you do and it  hurt's alot becuase you fear for them ,no one ever want's to lose a loved one.these are thing's i think about sometime's when i am laying in bed trying to stop my wondering mind.they always say you should count your blessing's and i do but sometime's fear surround's you and there is no where to escape i write stuff down sometime's and i type as stupid as it may sound i am a worrier.

Open your eyes

To many people life may not be the best,but when shared with someone you love it can be the greatest thing that can fill an empty heart. Some are stubbern some are just not willing but when presented love can sometimes be the best thing to ever happen in a world that can be so mean .